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5 Ways to Prepare Your Yard for Spring

Spring is around the corner and before you realize it, the weather will be nice, grass will be growing, trees and bushes will start blooming and your yard will need much more attention. If you’re new to caring for a yard of your own or you simply want to make it a priority this year, there are five ways to prepare your yard for spring. Take a look at the list and grab your gear, because these are tips you don’t want to miss. Preparing ahead will leave you more time to kick back and relax.

Why Preparing Your Yard Is Important

During the cold winter months, your grass and shrubs go dormant. They are going to need some tending and nutrition in order to thrive. Branches, leaves and other debris can collect as well, which pose a hazard to your lawn mower and can prevent proper fertilization. If you dodged fall cleanup, you’re also going to have a lot of work on your hands. A great time to use a shovel rake. Not preparing can end up costing you a lot more time and money, so it’s better to be proactive so you can spend more time enjoying your yard instead of having a never ending to do list.

Spring Preparation

There are five things that should top your list for spring preparation. All of them are fairly simple but have a tremendous impact on a healthy, happy yard. 

Clean Up

Your first task is cleaning up. Rake up leftover leaves and fallen debris. Pick up branches, pine cones and clean out flower beds. Now is the time to also clean your gardening and yard tools, sharpen mower blades and buy the supplies you need to keep them all running.

Seed and Fertilize

If you have bare spots in your yard, treat them with a mixture of seed and compost. It’s also a great time to fertilize your entire lawn to provide it with the nutrients it has missed all winter.


Mow, mow, mow: Many people think that mowing once a week is enough, but it’s actually better to mow about every five or six days during the first month and a half of spring. This allows your grass to properly reproduce, resulting in a much fuller, lush lawn. 


Treat your flower beds to a good, heavy, hardwood mulch. Not only does mulch look good, it helps retain moisture, prevents weeds and keeps plants protected from scorching heat.

Trim Trees

After taking care of your yard and flower beds, your trees and shrubs should get attention too. Removing dead branches is all it takes. Be careful not to cut new growth.

Enjoy Spring And Your Yard

Preparing your yard may seem like a lot of work at first, but knowing what to tackle can eliminate even more work in the future. Using these 5 ways to prepare your yard for spring will put you both in great shape to relax and enjoy.

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